ActiveMQ on Windows NanoServer using Docker

Posted in software by Christopher R. Wirz on Wed Sep 12 2018

ActiveMQ provides message queueing - which has the main benefit of resilience. When a service is down, putting your message in a queue will ensure it gets there when possible. For this reason, it is a great idea to incorporate ActiveMQ in a service oriented application. Many modern SOA (which stands for Service Orientated Architecture) apps use Docker. One of the challenges of Docker on Windows is getting the container size down. Using a multi-stage build, you can make the jump down from windowsservercore to nanoserver.

Note: When distributing a Dockerfile, it is good practice (from my experience) to include third party install files locally. This will allow the image to be built on an air-gapped networks. Also, third party hosted URLs are sometimes removed to reduce their costs.

After downloading all the necessary installers (this example uses jre-8u181-windows-x64.exe and, place them in the base directory with the Dockerfile. The following Dockerfile is an example of how to use the robust windowsservercore image to build capabilities for the light-weight nanoserver target image.

FROM microsoft/windowsservercore as builder


COPY "jre-8u181-windows-x64.exe" jre.exe

# Silently install the JRE
RUN	jre.exe /s INSTALLDIR=C:\jre WEB_JAVA=0 SPONSORS=0  && \
	DEL jre.exe

# Extract ActiveMQ
RUN	powershell -Command Expand-Archive C:/  && \
	REN apache-activemq-5.15.6 activemq  && \

FROM microsoft/nanoserver
COPY --from=builder ["C:/jre", "C:/jre"]
COPY --from=builder ["C:/activemq", "C:/activemq"]

# Add the option to prevent heap reservation issues
ENV _JAVA_OPTIONS "-Xmx128M -Xms128M"
# Add Java to the path
ENV PATH "C:\\jre\\bin;C:\\Windows\\system32;C:\\Windows;C:\\Windows\\System32\\Wbem;C:\\Windows\\System32\\WindowsPowerShell\\v1.0\\"

# Admin Port
# Listen Port
EXPOSE 61616
# STOMP is the Simple (or Streaming) Text Orientated Messaging Protocol
EXPOSE 61613

CMD "C:\\activemq\\bin\\activemq start"

Ready to try this out?

To begin with, open Powershell and go to the directory with the "Dockerfile". Then issue the following build commands to the Docker daemon:

docker pull microsoft/windowsservercore
docker pull microsoft/nanoserver
docker build -t activemq-single-image .

This will build the image. Now, you must run the image and map the exposed ports.

docker run --name activemq -it -p 8161:8616 -p 61616:61616 -p 61613:61613 activemq-single-image

You may get an error stating Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap. This can be overcome by fixing the _JAVA_OPTIONS.

docker run --name activemq -it -e "_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx128M -Xms128M" -p 8161:8616 -p 61616:61616 -p 61613:61613 activemq-single-image

In order to connect to the message broker, you will need to find the address on which the container is running.

docker inspect -f "{{.NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress}}" activemq

This will provide the IP address you need to supply to your clients.