Affillate relationships with providers are subject to change but do not influence the order of the conent on this page.
Having SSL enabled on your website helps with Search Engine Optimization, is recommended for membership, and is required to process financial transactions.
Certificates cost money... Well, they did. Now there are a few free options if you are pre-revenue with respect to your web property. First, here are some acronyms you will hear when reading about SSL certificates:
- ACME - Automated Certificate Management Environment
- CA - Certificate Authority
- CDN - Content Delivery Network
- CRL - Certificate Revocation List
- CSR - Certificate Signing Request
- DV - Domain Validated
- P7B - Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard v1.5
- PEM - Privacy-enhanced Electronic Mail
- PKCS - Public Key Cryptography Standards
- PKI - Public Key Infrastructure
- SSL - Secure Socket Layer
- TLS - Transport Layer Security
- VA - Validation Authority
Let's Encrypt
Let's Encrypt is a collaborative project with Linux Foundation and new certificate authority sponsored by Mozilla, Akamai, SiteGround, Cisco, Facebook, etc. which offers SSL Certificate in free. It creates the CSR and sends it to the CA - all automated.
Comodo offers free SSL at zero cost for 90 days. Comodo is one of the most trusted providers. All major browsers recognize Comodo issued certificates. also provides free SSL for 90 days.
SSL For Free
SSL For Free uses Let's Encrypt ACME server by using domain validation to provide you certificate.
Cloud Flare
Cloud Flare aims to make websites faster and secure. Cloud Flare power many popular sites including Reddit, yelp, Mozilla, StackOverflow, and others. They also provide a universal SSL in free for all the users.
StartCom gives free certificates for personal use just by verifying domain ownership. You can have unlimited class 1 DV SSL certificates.
WoSign will provide a certificate for 2 years without any cost. It supports SHA2 algorithm.
30 Days Free
You may also obtain 30 days free trial from following certificate provider.