Understanding State in Distributed Systems: Chandy-Lamport algorithm

Posted in distributed-systems by Christopher R. Wirz on Fri Aug 23 2024

Capturing the global state in distributed systems is a complex but crucial task. The Chandy-Lamport algorithm provides a clever solution to obtain consistent snapshots, enabling us to reason about system properties and detect potential issues. While these snapshots may not represent an exact moment in time, they offer valuable insights into the behavior and characteristics of distributed systems.

Understanding these concepts and algorithms is essential for anyone working with distributed systems, as they form the foundation for many advanced techniques in distributed computing, including debugging, fault tolerance, and consistency protocols.

The Challenge of Global State

Determining the global state of a distributed system is inherently difficult due to several factors:

  1. Lack of Globally Synchronized Clocks: Without a common time reference, it is impossible to capture the state of all nodes at precisely the same moment.

  2. Random Network Delays: Messages between nodes can experience unpredictable delays, making it challenging to coordinate state capture across the system.

  3. Concurrent Execution: Multiple processes run simultaneously, creating a non-deterministic system where reasoning about order and consistency becomes complex.

Key Concepts related to states in Distributed Systems

There are a few concepts with respect to global states:

  • Events: These correspond to sending and receiving messages between nodes, as well as internal state changes within a node.
  • System State: The collective state of all nodes and communication channels in the system.
  • Run: A sequence of events representing the execution of the system.
  • Consistent Cut: A snapshot of the system that corresponds to a possible point in the execution, representing a consistent ordering of events.
  • Pre-recording and Post-recording Events: A snapshot of the system that corresponds to a possible point in the execution, representing a consistent ordering of events.
    • Pre-recording events: Events that occurred before the snapshot was taken.
    • Post-recording events: Events that occurred after the snapshot was taken.

The Chandy-Lamport Algorithm

The Chandy-Lamport algorithm provides a method for capturing a consistent global snapshot of a distributed system:

  1. An initiator node saves its local state and sends a marker token on all outgoing channels.
  2. When a node receives a marker for the first time:
    • It saves its local state
    • Marks the state of the incoming channel as empty
    • Propagates the marker on all outgoing channels
    • Continues execution, saving incoming messages until a marker arrives on each channel
  3. When a node receives a marker on a channel after the initial state capture:
    • It marks the channel's state as containing all messages received since the initial state capture

This algorithm ensures that the captured global state is consistent, even if it does not correspond to an exact moment in real-time execution.

Properties of Captured Global States

The global state captured by the Chandy-Lamport algorithm has some interesting properties:

  1. Consistency: The captured state is consistent with the ordering imposed by message sends and receives.
  2. Reachability: The recorded state is reachable from the initial state and can reach the final state of the system.

Usefulness of Global Snapshots

Even though the captured global state might not represent an actual state the system was in, it is still incredibly useful:

  1. Detecting Stable Properties: If a stable property (one that remains true once it becomes true) is observed in the snapshot, it will be true in the final state of the system. For example, detecting that a computation phase has completed.
  2. Identifying Potential Issues: If an unstable property (one that can become true and then false again) is observed in the snapshot, it indicates the possibility of that property being true at some point in the execution. This can help identify potential issues like buffer overflows or race conditions.

Stable vs Unstable Properties

Stable Properties: If a stable property (one that remains true once it becomes true) is observed in the snapshot, it will be true in the final state. Unstable Properties: If an unstable property is observed in the snapshot, it indicates the possibility of that property being true at some point in the execution.

Key Concepts

Global State: The collective state of all nodes (processes) and communication channels in a distributed system at a given point in time.

Event: An action that changes the state of a node or channel, typically sending or receiving a message, or updating internal variables.

Run: A sequence of events representing the execution of the distributed system.

Actual Run: The true sequence of events that occurred in the system, including all events in their real order.

Observed Run: A sequence of events as perceived by an observer, which may not include all events or their exact order.

Consistent Cut: A snapshot of the system that corresponds to a possible point in the execution, representing a consistent ordering of events.

Pre-recording Events: Events that occurred before a snapshot was taken at a particular process.

Post-recording Events: Events that occurred after a snapshot was taken at a particular process.

FIFO (First-In-First-Out) Channels: Communication channels where messages are delivered in the same order they were sent.

Marker Message: A special message used in the Chandy-Lamport algorithm to initiate and propagate the snapshot process.

Chandy-Lamport Algorithm: A method for capturing a consistent global snapshot of a distributed system.

Stable Property: A property of the system that, once true, remains true for the remainder of the execution (e.g., deadlock, completion of a computation phase).

Unstable Property: A property that can become true and then false again during the system's execution (e.g., buffer overflow, race condition).

Reachability: The concept that a recorded state is reachable from the initial state and can reach the final state of the system.

State Transition: The change from one state to another in a process, typically caused by an event.

In-flight Message: A message that has been sent but not yet received at the time of a snapshot.

Initiator Node: The node that starts the snapshot algorithm by saving its state and sending marker messages.

Causal Relationship: The logical dependence between events in a distributed system, where one event can potentially influence another.

Non-deterministic System: A system where the same input can produce different outputs due to factors like concurrency and network delays.

Global Clock: A hypothetical synchronized time reference across all nodes in a distributed system, which is typically not achievable in practice.

Review Questions

Understand the meaning and purpose of the concepts distributed system state, consistent cut/snapshot, actual/observed run

Distributed System State

The state of a distributed system is a collection of the states of each of its nodes (processes) and the state of each channel connecting them. This includes:

  • The internal state of each process
  • The messages that have been sent and received
  • The messages that are still in flight (in the channels)

Consistent Cut/Snapshot

A consistent cut or snapshot is a representation of the global state of a distributed system that, while not necessarily corresponding to an actual moment in time, represents a possible state of the system. It is "consistent" because it does not violate causality (e.g., it will not show a message as received before it was sent).

Actual vs Observed Run

  • Actual Run: The true sequence of events that occurred in the system.
  • Observed Run: The sequence of events as perceived by an observer, which may not capture all events in their exact order due to the challenges of distributed systems (lack of global clock, network delays, etc.).

Understand the snapshot algorithm, what are the assumptions under which it is valid, why are those assumptions necessary/how are they reflected in the algorithm?

Chandy-Lamport Snapshot Algorithm:

Purpose: To capture a consistent global state of a distributed system.

Key steps:

  1. An initiator process records its state and sends marker messages on all outgoing channels.
  2. When a process receives its first marker:
    1. It records its state
    2. Marks the incoming channel as empty
    3. Sends markers on all outgoing channels
  3. For subsequent markers, the process records messages received on that channel since its state was saved.


  • No failures occur, and all messages arrive intact and only once (can be achieved with TCP)
  • Channels are unidirectional and FIFO ordered
  • The algorithm does not interfere with normal process execution

These assumptions are necessary because:

  • Reliable message delivery ensures no state information is lost
  • FIFO ordering simplifies tracking of in-flight messages
  • Non-interference allows the algorithm to capture a state without affecting the system's behavior

Can you trace through an execution the consistent state that could be captured by the algorithm?

Tracing an Execution:
Consider a simple two-process system:
P1: [e11] -> [e12] -> [e13]
P2: [e21] -> [e22] -> [e23]

If the snapshot algorithm is initiated after e11 and e21, but before e12 and e22, it might capture a consistent state where:

  • P1 is in the state after e11
  • P2 is in the state after e21
  • Any messages sent between e11/e21 and the snapshot initiation are recorded as "in flight"

By knowing the state of a property in a given state in the system, what can we tell about that same property at the start/at the end of the execution?

  • Stable Properties: If a stable property (one that, once true, remains true) is observed in a captured state, it will be true at the end of execution.
  • Unstable Properties: If an unstable property is observed in a captured state, it indicates the property can possibly be true in the system, but can not guarantee its state at the end of execution.

Can you provide examples when this would be useful?

  • Deadlock Detection: If a snapshot reveals a deadlock (a stable property), we know the system will remain deadlocked unless external intervention occurs.
  • Phase Completion: If a snapshot shows a computation phase is complete, we know it will remain complete, allowing us to trigger next steps or cleanup processes.
  • Resource Utilization: While not a stable property, if a snapshot shows high resource utilization, it indicates the system can reach such states, prompting investigation or optimization.
  • Termination Detection: In a distributed computation, if a snapshot shows all processes are idle and no messages are in transit, it indicates the computation has terminated.