Consistency in Distributed Systems: Theory to Practice

Posted in distributed-systems by Christopher R. Wirz on Thu Aug 29 2024

Consistency in distributed systems is a complex but crucial topic. Real-world systems like Facebook's Memcache implement a variety of techniques to balance consistency, availability, and performance. Meanwhile, researchers continue to develop new models like Causal+ to push the boundaries of what is possible in globally distributed services.

The Challenge

Imagine you are scrolling through your social media feed. Your friend Bob posts "Sally's sick" and then immediately follows up with "Sally's well." You see both updates and reply "Great news!" However, your friend Carol only sees Bob's first update and your reply, leaving her utterly confused. This scenario illustrates the challenges of maintaining consistency in distributed systems.

Consistency Models:

Consistency models provide guarantees about how updates to distributed state are propagated and become visible to users.

  1. Strong Consistency: Guarantees that all participants see updates in the same real-time order. It is the gold standard but can be challenging to implement in distributed systems.
  2. Sequential Consistency: Ensures a single ordering of all writes, but not necessarily matching real-time order.
  3. Causal Consistency: Enforces ordering only for causally related operations.
  4. Eventual Consistency: Guarantees that all updates will eventually become visible, but allows for temporary inconsistencies.

These models represent a trade-off between consistency and availability. Generally, weaker consistency models offer greater availability and performance.

From Theory to Practice: Facebook's Memcache

Facebook's Memcache system serves as a distributed in-memory cache for Facebook's massive data stores. Here are some key design decisions:

  1. Look-aside Cache: Clients explicitly check the cache before querying the database, simplifying the cache design.
  2. Non-authoritative Cache: The database remains the source of truth, allowing for simpler cache management.
  3. Lease Mechanism: Prevents inconsistencies due to concurrent or out-of-order updates.
  4. Invalidation-based Consistency: When data is modified in the database, invalidations are pushed to Memcache instances.
  5. Geo-distributed Design: Replicates data across multiple data centers, with specific protocols for cross-datacenter updates.

Beyond Traditional Models: Causal+ Consistency

Researchers are continually developing new consistency models to better serve the needs of modern distributed applications. One such model is Causal+ consistency, introduced in the paper "Don't Settle for Eventual: Scalable Causal Consistency for Wide-Area Storage with COPS."

Causal+ builds upon causal consistency by tracking dependencies between operations. When updates are replicated across data centers, the system ensures that all dependencies are satisfied before making the update visible. This approach provides stronger guarantees than eventual consistency while maintaining high availability and performance.

Key Concepts

Distributed Systems These are systems where components are located on different networked computers, which communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages to one another. Examples include social media platforms, cloud storage services, and global financial systems.

Consistency In the context of distributed systems, consistency refers to how and when updates to the system's data become visible to different parts of the system. It's about ensuring that all nodes or users see the same data at the same time, or in a defined order.

Consistency Models These are formal guarantees about the ordering and visibility of updates in a distributed system:

  • Strong Consistency: Guarantees that all participants see updates in the same real-time order.
  • Sequential Consistency: Ensures a single ordering of all writes, but not necessarily matching real-time order.
  • Causal Consistency: Enforces ordering only for causally related operations.
  • Eventual Consistency: Guarantees that all updates will eventually become visible, but allows for temporary inconsistencies.

Availability This refers to the system's ability to remain operational and accessible, even in the face of failures or network partitions. There's often a trade-off between strong consistency and high availability.

Key-Value Stores A type of data storage system where data is stored as key-value pairs. It's often used in distributed systems for its simplicity and scalability.

Facebook's Memcache A distributed memory caching system used by Facebook to improve the performance of their data stores. Key concepts related to Memcache include:

  • Look-aside Cache: A caching strategy where clients explicitly check the cache before querying the main database.
  • Non-authoritative Cache: The cache is not the source of truth; the main database is.
  • Lease Mechanism: A technique to prevent inconsistencies due to concurrent or out-of-order updates.
  • Invalidation-based Consistency: When data is modified in the database, the corresponding cache entries are invalidated.

Geo-distribution The practice of distributing system components across multiple geographic locations or data centers. This improves performance for users in different regions but introduces challenges for maintaining consistency.

Causal+ Consistency A consistency model that builds upon causal consistency by tracking dependencies between operations. It aims to provide stronger guarantees than eventual consistency while maintaining high availability.

Replication The process of storing the same data on multiple machines or in multiple data centers. This is crucial for fault tolerance and improved performance in distributed systems.

Scalability The ability of a system to handle growing amounts of work by adding resources to the system. Distributed systems are often designed with scalability in mind.