The Rise of Edge Computing and IoT: Reshaping the Distributed Systems Landscape

Posted in distributed-systems by Christopher R. Wirz on Thu Sep 05 2024

In recent years, the world of distributed computing has been undergoing a significant transformation. The emergence of edge computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) require new designs for distributed systems.

The Need for Edge Computing

Traditional cloud-based architectures are facing new challenges:

  • Bandwidth Demands: The explosion of data-intensive applications, especially video, is straining network capacities.
  • Latency Requirements: Many modern applications, such as AR/VR and autonomous vehicles, require ultra-low latency that cloud data centers can not consistently provide.
  • Energy Efficiency: Moving massive amounts of data to and from remote data centers is becoming increasingly energy-intensive and costly.
  • Data Sovereignty: Regulatory requirements like GDPR are mandating local data processing in many cases.

Enter edge computing - a new tier of infrastructure deployed closer to end-users and devices, designed to address these challenges.

The Edge Computing Landscape

Edge computing can take many forms:

  • Micro data centers in cellular towers
  • Compute resources in vehicles or portable devices
  • Low-power IoT devices with basic sensing and processing capabilities

This diverse landscape creates new opportunities but also introduces new challenges for distributed system design.

Key Differences from Traditional Distributed Systems

Edge computing environments differ significantly from traditional data center-based systems:

  • Scale and Geo-distribution: Edge deployments are much more geographically dispersed.
  • Resource Elasticity: Unlike clouds, edge resources are not infinitely elastic.
  • Heterogeneity: Edge devices have widely varying capabilities.
  • Reliability: Edge networks are often less reliable than data center networks.
  • Multi-tenant Nature: Edge infrastructure is more likely to be shared across multiple providers.

These differences necessitate new approaches to distributed system design and programming models.

Case Study: Transactuations for IoT

One example of how distributed computing concepts are being adapted for the edge is the concept of "transactuations" - a new programming model for IoT applications that bridges the gap between digital state and physical actuations.

Traditional distributed transactions do not work well in IoT environments because:

  • Physical actuations can not be easily rolled back
  • Sensing and actuation have temporal dependencies
  • There is a need to maintain consistency between digital state and physical world state

Transactuations introduce new abstractions like sensing policies and actuation policies to handle these challenges, allowing developers to build more robust and consistent IoT applications.

Future developments

As edge computing and IoT continue to evolve, we can expect to see:

  1. New programming models and abstractions tailored for edge environments
  2. Enhanced security measures to protect distributed edge resources
  3. Improved orchestration and management tools for heterogeneous edge deployments
  4. Novel applications that leverage the unique capabilities of edge computing

The rise of edge computing and IoT is not just a trend - it is a fundamental shift in how we approach distributed systems.

Key Concepts

Edge Computing A distributed computing paradigm that brings computation and data storage closer to the location where it is needed, to improve response times and save bandwidth.

Internet of Things (IoT) A system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

Distributed Systems A system whose components are located on different networked computers, which communicate and coordinate their actions by passing messages to one another.

Cloud Computing The delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet ("the cloud") to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.

Latency The time delay between the cause and the effect of some physical change in the system being observed. In networking, it specifically refers to any delay or waiting that increases real or perceived response time beyond the response time desired.

Bandwidth The maximum rate of data transfer across a given path. It is often used to describe the amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time.

Data Sovereignty The concept that information which has been converted and stored in binary digital form is subject to the laws of the country in which it is located.

Micro Data Center A smaller, modular data center that can be deployed closer to the edge of a network to reduce latency and improve performance for local users.

Transactuations A programming model for IoT applications that ensures consistency between digital state and physical world actuations, incorporating concepts like sensing policies and actuation policies.

Sensing Policy In the context of transactuations, it specifies the conditions under which sensor data can be considered valid for a transaction, including time windows and required sensor availability.

Actuation Policy In transactuations, it defines the conditions under which physical actuations are considered successful, including the required percentage of successful actuations before committing a transaction.

Geo-distribution The spread of computing resources across multiple geographic locations to improve reliability, reduce latency, and comply with data localization requirements.

Resource Elasticity The ability of a system to automatically scale up or down based on demand. In cloud computing, this is often considered nearly infinite, while edge computing has more constraints.

Heterogeneity In edge computing, it refers to the diverse nature of devices and resources in terms of their capabilities, from powerful micro data centers to low-power IoT sensors.

Multi-tenant An architecture in which a single instance of a software application serves multiple customers (tenants). In edge computing, it often refers to infrastructure shared by multiple service providers or applications.

Orchestration The automated configuration, coordination, and management of computer systems and software. In edge computing, it involves managing distributed resources across various locations and capabilities.